Why Ruby On Rails is Still The Best Choice For Your Start-up?

In this fast-paced world, web development trends are constantly evolving. Web frameworks are a major boon for the developers’ community to build trending, modern web apps.

One such framework is Ruby on Rails. It is useful in –

  • Reducing development time
  • Improving developer’s efficiency
  • Enhancing your application scalability

In this blog, we will answer why Ruby on Rails is still the best choice for your start-up by examining its many exceptional features.

Rails is an open-source software that provides everything you require to create robust applications. This blog will help you understand what is Ruby on Rails, why ruby on rails is so popular among startups and why you should hire Ruby on Rails web developer for your web project?

What is Ruby On Rails Framework?

what is ruby on rails?

Ruby on Rails is a server-side web framework that is written in the Ruby language. Released under the MIT License, it follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture pattern.

Ruby on Rails supplies default arrangements for web service, web pages, and databases, which makes it easier for a Ruby developer.

Rails encourages the usage of web standards like XML or JSON for data transfer and frontend web languages like HTML, JavaScript, and CSS for the user interface.

Rails employs renowned software engineering paradigms and patterns such as Convention over Configuration (CoC), the Active Record pattern, and Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRY) to enable rapid application development.

Let’s look at the major reasons why Rails is perfect for building powerful web applications.

7 Reasons Why Ruby on Rails is For You

Why Ruby on Rails 7 Reasons to Justify

  1. Ideal For Agile Projects

    The modular design of Ruby on Rails aids in making changes swiftly with no loss in quality and code. Product managers are also capable of providing instant feedback, and novel versions can be employed rapidly.

    Mechanized tests in Rails framework help developers debug their code while writing. Plus, the developers do not have to maintain separate documentation for the source code as the framework does it for you.

  2. The Perfect Answer For MVP Development

    A Rails developer can easily test features with a user base by developing a Minimum Viable Product (MVP). Developed in a matter of days, MVP ensures that the product is on track and is approved by the clients and the users.

    But this software development procedure of start-ups is often restricted by budget and time.

    Therefore, it is critical to search for the right Ruby on Rails development company that would function with the programming tools available.

    Below are a few reasons stating why RoR is good for creating an MVP:

    • Resilient environment and advanced compatibility: RoR has a massive collection of features such as free plugins (gems), object-oriented programming, third-part integrability, and compatibility with other web frameworks.
    • Rapid programming: The speed of MVP development in Ruby programming language is much more than Python or PHP. You require quick development in start-up web application development projects. Ruby on Rails, with its inbuilt development tools and accessible elements, sanctions you to accelerate the development process and lets you focus on your fundamental business tasks.
    • Easy to scale: With Rails, start-ups get a grip of an operational model in a short time without expending many resources. Rails applications are easily scalable, both horizontally and vertically. So using Ruby on Rails in your technology stack will help you scale your web application as your startup grows.
    • Huge savings on development costs: Rails’ technology considerably clips the commercial plan of the assignment, which is primarily crucial for start-ups. Also, Ruby on Rails does not include any costs if you want to change, allocate, re-use, and duplicate it.
  3. Want to Develop an MVP Fast?

    Design and develop a quick, low-cost MVP for your web app idea with the help of our experts.

  4. Smooth API Development For Mobile Apps

    An application built with Ruby on Rails utilizes a RESTful structural scheme by default. It allows easier construction of APIs, and it is a well-known model amongst web and mobile programmers. Moreover, you do not need to hire a new developer to devise RESTful code.

  5. Active Community Support

    Community support for Ruby is simply remarkable as Ruby developers can avail free online tutorials. The Rails community keeps the framework updated always.

  6. Readable And Self-Documenting

    Rails code is mostly self-documenting and very readable and understandable. This upsurges productivity, as there is less requirement to transcribe distinct documentation, making it much easier for other web developers to work on current projects.

  7. Highly Mature and Stable

    Being a mature language means that Ruby code is more refined and stable, and applications written with Ruby on Rails are highly maintainable.

    The proficient web developers understand that the codes must not be written in the newest framework if it turns out to be a pain to support for the upcoming years.

    In its place, the Rails developers look for code stability which is attained with the maturity a framework has gained over the years. This saves a lot of time for Ruby developers that can be used to focus on refining the application logic.

  8. Smooth Automation and Development

    The Ruby on Rails framework systematizes several manual odds so that web developers can put their emphasis on the core features of the project. It ensures the enormous efficiency of the development process where the product managers get enthralled.

    Ruby on Rails is incorporated with a strong set of tools creating the customization of a prevailing app easier.

    Rails offers quick, dependable, and economical testing, which makes it an attractive spot for developers. Such outstanding features and the automated structure of Ruby are the prime reasons why it is the best choice for your start-up.

Is Ruby on Rails Dead?

Each new version of Rails released improves the features and performance of the framework. The latest version, Ruby on Rails 6.1.4, has significant enhancements in terms of security, new gems, scalability, and other new features.

But recently, there have been many discussions about Ruby on Rails –

  • Is RoR still worth using?
  • Can RoR compete with the newer frameworks?

Yes. Ruby on Rails is still a very popular web development framework.

The main reason Rails is considered to be dead or decreasing in popularity is less scalability and low performance.

Let’s look at these problems in detail and see if RoR actually lacks these features.

  1. Scalability

    After Twitter shifted from Ruby on Rails to React, stating Rails was not able to handle the user traffic and scale the app’s features, most companies started questioning this popular web app framework.

    Firstly, Rails has come a long way since that release and has undergone many improvements. Secondly, this is Twitter- the most popular social media platform, handling millions of users simultaneously.

    No startup or even large-scale business is going to require handling users at Twitter’s scale. Ruby on Rails is perfectly scalable, and version 6.0.1 introduced horizontal scaling. This ensures that if you use Ruby on Rails, you will not require to shift to any other framework. Not over scalability issues.

  2. Performance

    Ruby language was intended to be a general-purpose programming language. Ruby on Rails is a full-stack framework that covers both frontend and backend development. While Rails has slower runtime speeds than, for example, Node.js or Golang, this only becomes noticeable with huge products with large-scale traffic.

    Examples of large-scale RoR apps include Basecamp, Airbnb, and GitHub. You can see Ruby on Rails does not have any issues with performance and speed.

Advantages of Ruby on Rails For Web Development

RoR Benefits

Now that we have understood that Ruby on Rails is still very much in demand and preferred by a lot of Ruby developers, let’s look at why.

Here is a list of advantages of Ruby on Rails for building web apps-

  1. Increased Productivity
  2. Highly Secure
  3. Cost-efficient
  4. Solution for Every Problem – Gems
  5. Performative
  6. Versatile
  7. Readable
  8. Compatible with development tools

Let’s look at each advantage in detail to understand why RoR is a good option for you.

  1. Increased productivity

    Ruby on Rails works on the basis of two main philosophies –

    • Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRF) -The DRF philosophy means that you don’t code repetitively. Each information should be defined at a single, unambiguous, authoritative place in the system. This way, you have a clean, lean code base with no repetitive lines. This principle also ensures that you have to write much less redundant code.
    • Convention over Configuration (CoC) -Ruby on Rails decides the best way to implement some things and does it by default for you. Logical components and configurations are assumed and implemented by the libraries and systems so that the developer is not wasting time coding the same actions for multiple configuration files. Unlike Django, you don’t have to define each function explicitly.

    Both of these philosophies ensure that the developer spends the maximum time coding the application logic and business features rather than worrying about the underlying configurations, architecture.

    Thus you have very few code lines and this, in turn, increases the speed and productivity of developers. For this reason, RoR is a very popular choice for the fast development of MVPs(Minimal Viable Products) and developing prototypes.

  2. Secure

    According to the 2021 Cyber Security Statistics by Purplesec, cybercrime has increased by more than 60% since the Covid-19 pandemic started. A single security breach can cause a loss of millions of dollars.

    It is becoming increasingly important to prioritize security for web solutions. Some of the common threats that a web application faces are –

    • Account hijacking
    • Reading and modifying private data
    • SQL injection
    • Cross-site request forgery (CSRF)
    • Cross-site scripting (XSS)
    • Session hijacking

    When it comes to dealing with such attacks, Ruby on Rails development plays a vital role as it is extremely secure. Although no framework is inherently more secure than others, Ruby on Rails includes a lot of security features that you can use to ensure the best possible protection for your web applications.

    In addition, Rails applications have default features that protect against such vulnerabilities and prevent common attacks.

  3. Cost-efficient

    The time spent on development is the client’s money. The more time the web app development process takes, the more money you spend on your project.

    Owing to the speed with which Rails sites can be developed and altered, less money is consumed to develop and maintain them.

    Taking into consideration that the web application is designed properly, the development process can be carried out more efficiently. Moreover, RoR is an open-source framework which means there are no licensing costs.

    Thus RoR is very cost-effective for development companies.

  4. Solution for every problem – Gems

    Gems are at the heart of the Ruby programming language and Ruby on Rails. They ensure that Rails developers have ready-made reusable solutions for a lot of common features and functions.

    Some gems also provide command-line utilities which automate tasks and speed up the development time.

    What are Ruby Gems?

    A Ruby Gem is an open-source library or a module of Ruby code along with extra information like tests for the code and documentation. You can install a gem into your system and use it in any program without explicitly adding the Gem code (which can affect how your code works).

    With a very active Ruby community of experienced developers, you have a Gem for everything. Gems are one of the best RoR advantages as it helps save developer time. You have ready-made solutions and get high performance as the gems are tried and tested.

  5. Performative

    Rails is a performative framework, and Ruby is a simple and elegant language. But when the code is not optimized, or the underlying architecture is misdesigned, there can be performance issues.

    But big companies like Airbnb and popular social coding site Github that use RoR are proof that RoR is actually highly performative. It is efficient, quick, and has minimum page load times.

    It is just important that developers take care and make sure that the memory consumption and code are optimized and there are no memory leaks. You will surely get good results from your Ruby on Rails web application.

  6. Versatile

    Ruby on Rails is an extremely versatile framework. You can use RoR for a number of projects with different requirements.

    1. eCommerce – Ruby on Rails is perfect for developing eCommerce websites and web apps that are secure and scalable. Many popular online marketplace stores such as Shopify and Groupon are developed using Ruby on Rails.
    2. Startups – Low costs and quick – these are the main requirements of successful startups and entrepreneurs who have great ideas but limited resources and investments. For such cases, RoR is perfect for startups because it requires minimum resources, is extremely productive, and provides Gems and other functionalities that can implement unique features in web applications.
    3. Social Media Sites – GoodReads is a great example of how social can use RoR. You get interactive UIs, smooth backend, and secure account logins.
    4. Entertainment platforms – Netflix uses RoR in their tech stack. You can develop similar high-performing media streaming entertainment sites using Ruby on Rails that support thousands of users per minute without any effort.
  7. Have a Web App Idea For Startup?

    Let’s talk. Our Rails developers will build an innovative web application with low costs, low development time, and high ROI.

  8. Readable

    Ruby on Rails promotes the best programming practices for developers to produce clean, beautiful code. In essence, it means that your code is short, readable, and understandable and can be easily updated without changing the whole structure.

    In addition, you spend even less time on documentation in Rails development as the code is readable and adaptable.

    When you have a huge team of developers, code readability and organization are added benefits. As any Rails developer can pick up wherever the last is left because the code is very easy to understand, intuitive, and compact.

  9. Compatible with development tools

    Today, we are witnessing the growing popularity of front-end frameworks such as React, Vue, and Angular and UI libraries like BootStrap. These tools are often used together with Ruby on Rails due to the easy integration of RoR.

    You can take any framework or library you like and develop front-end components quickly and effortlessly. With Ruby on Rails, you can develop a feature-rich backend and a supportive, attractive UI for the frontend.

    Apart from frameworks, Rails is also compatible with a lot of Content management systems, version control systems, testing frameworks for test-driven development.

    Read about the top Ruby on Rails CMS for more information on content management systems.

When And Where To Use Rails?

Now that we have seen some vital Ruby on Rails’ advantages, it is time to answer – ‘What is Ruby on Rails used for?’ Rails can be used in projects from dissimilar spheres to build numerous types of applications as it is a multi-purpose tool.

The following list exhibits when and where we can use Ruby on Rails:

  1. Fintech Domain

    Ruby on Rails eradicates the most prevailing problems and aids complex project development in the Fintech domain.

    The Fundera lending platform and Squareup payment system are some examples presenting how the Ruby on Rails framework can be employed in the Fintech field.

  2. E-commerce Web App Development

    Shopify is one of the best examples of an eCommerce platform built with Ruby on Rails. The eCommerce companies utilize the Rails open-source framework as it delivers an extensive range of tools.

    Brandless and Etsy are also some other organizations that have used Ruby on Rails to build websites.

  3. Software Development Websites

    In this extremely perplexing programming development biosphere, frameworks can be of extreme help for the developers. Rails are forming its position with the Convention over Configuration software development method.

    Companies like GitHub and Zendesk employ Ruby on Rails. These sites support standard programming conventions and not programmer-illustrated configurations.

    This makes web development simple while conserving the base software requirements.

  4. Social-media Web Applications

    One of the most popular social communication apps at present is Twitter. It was primarily developed with Ruby on Rails. Other popular examples include Basecamp and Dribbble.

    It offers a superior proficiency for scaling and a unique style simplifying the development of APIs.

    It is ideal for content-heavy and exceptionally active social media networking sites and platforms. The Couchsurfing platform exhibits that Rails is still pertinent for this sphere.

  5. News, trading, and data analytics platforms

    If your app idea is centered on data analytics and news, you must opt for Ruby on Rails. The most well-known RoR example is Bloomberg. It is an eminent financial data provider, and all of its applications are based on Rails.

  6. Live-streaming applications

    Live-streaming apps are gaining more popularity than ever. Twitch is the most prevalent gaming live-stream service that validates the complete potential of Ruby on Rails development in this field.

Create Your Custom Web-based Solution

Let’s discuss. Be it a complex eCommerce solution or a high-performing social media app, we can help you develop a custom web solution.

Which Websites Use Ruby on Rails?

RoR website example

Ruby on Rails framework obtains support from innovative start-ups and world giants, and the number of popular companies using Ruby on Rails increases every day.

What is Ruby on Rails used for? We have stated some of the well-known Rails projects in the preceding section. Now let’s see websites using Ruby on Rails:

  1. Airbnb

    Almost everyone has heard about this apartment booking facility – Airbnb. The service has more than a million users and more guests, who make bookings in thousands of cities all over the globe.

  2. Netflix Inc.

    Netflix Inc., a media service provider, uses Ruby on Rails. It relies on this framework and is measured as the main part of the infrastructure that comprises internal security applications and microservices.

  3. GitHub

    The GitHub service was developed with Rails in February 2008. GitHub has developed to be a vital tool for development. It has stated 56 million users and around 100 million repositories as of June 2021, making it the chief host of source code on the sphere.

  4. Shopify

    Shopify Inc. is an eCommerce organization developed using Ruby on Rails. It offers online dealers a range of services – payments, marketing, shipping, and buyer engagement tools to make the functioning of online stores simpler. The time required to build a basic Shopify store is only 1-5 days.

    In 2019, Shopify reported that it had nearly 1,000,000 dealings in 175 countries by using the Ruby on Rails platform, with gross retail volume above $41.1 billion as compared to 2018.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Why use Ruby on Rails?

    Ruby on Rails is a web development tool that offers developers a framework and structure for the code they form. This framework aids developers to develop applications and websites as it minimizes the common repetitive jobs.

  2. Why is Ruby on Rails still the best choice?

    Ruby on Rails is extremely easy to preserve and modify. This states that the developers do not have to perform re-coding and repetitive tasks and thus, save much of their time. The Ruby code is very clean and has fewer bugs.

  3. Why do companies choose RoR for web development?

    Some of the key factors which make companies choose Ruby on Rails are the gem of libraries, user-friendly code and well-controlled framework, cost-saving, offers frontend and backend solutions, uses MVC pattern and DRY that saves time and increases RoR developers’ efficiency.

  4. Can I use Ruby on Rails for eCommerce sites?

    Yes, Ruby on Rails is excellent for developing eCommerce web platforms. Due to its high-security features, scalability, and performance, Ruby on Rails is a popular choice among eCommerce companies. In addition, The Rails community is very active and provides helpful solutions and Gems that can be seamlessly integrated into your web development project.


In this blog, we explained why Rails is still the best choice for your start-up. Ruby on Rails is a well-established tool for forming technically multifarious web projects.

All its benefits make Rails a robust tool to develop MVPs that satisfy the market, aid in launching successful start-ups, and in enhancing the efficiency of large companies.

Contact Monocubed to build a diversity of projects and get customized software solutions aimed to attain defined business objectives.

The quality codebase, excellent community, size of the module database, and the maintainability of Rails applications make it the most preferred choice for well-renowned companies like GitHub, Airbnb, BaseCamp, Bloomberg, and Zendesk.

Jeel Patel

Written by

Jeel Patel

Jeel Patel is the Founder of Monocubed and is the main curator & writer of the content found on this site. With ideals of quality, commitment, and perseverance, he believes in creating lasting business relationships with the clients.