What is Strapi? Why You Should Use It? [A Detailed Guide]

Do you want to build a web app that helps manage and organize content? If so, then Strapi is the perfect solution.

Strapi is a headless content management system (CMS) that allows you to develop websites and applications.

When building a website, selecting the right CMS is an important part, particularly for those built using Ruby on Rails. If you are looking for a CMS that aligns easily with this framework, then you can check out this blog on Ruby on Rails CMS platforms for web development, which provides a selection ideal for your web development.

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore what Strapi is, its key features, use cases, advantages, and how it can empower developers and content creators.

What is Strapi?

Strapi is an open-source headless CMS designed to provide developers and content creators with a flexible and customizable platform for managing digital content. This headless CMS handles content and exposes it via APIs for developers to utilize in websites, mobile apps, and more.

Strapi’s headless approach doesn’t dictate how you should present your content. Instead, it is a robust back-end system that lets you define your content structures and relationships. Also, it provides a RESTful or GraphQL API for accessing content, which makes it an ideal choice for creating content-rich applications that require flexibility and scalability.

Let’s discuss the features and functionalities of Strapi CMS.

7 Key Features and Functionalities of Strapi CMS

Here is the table showcasing all the features with detailed explanations.

Key Features Detailed Explanation
Customizable Content Types
  • Tailor content structures to match your project’s unique needs.
  • Define specific data fields and structures to meet your requirements.
  • Enjoy the flexibility to design complex content models effortlessly.
Customizable API Endpoints
  • Strapi CMS builds RESTful and GraphQL APIs based on your content types, along with detailed API documentation.
  • You have complete control over the API endpoints, enabling you to design data retrieval and manipulation methods according to your application’s needs.
  • Integration with external authentication providers like OAuth, JWT, and LDAP is seamless.
User Authentication
  • This headless CMS Strapi offers built-in user authentication and role management features
  • Define different user roles and permissions to control access to content and functionality.
  • Integration with external authentication providers like OAuth, JWT, and LDAP is seamless.
Content Drafts and Publishing
  • Enable content creators to work on drafts before publishing.
  • Schedule content publication to simplify content management and release planning.
  • Use version control to track changes and revert to previous content versions if necessary.
Plugins and Extensions
  • Access a wide range of plugins and extensions to extend Strapi’s core functionality.
  • Enhance your project with features like SEO optimization, image processing, and eCommerce capabilities.
  • Develop custom plugins to address specific project requirements.
Internationalization (i18n)
  • Strapi supports internationalization, allowing you to manage content in multiple languages.
  • Easily create content variants for different regions or languages within a single system.
  • Seamlessly switch between languages and manage translations efficiently.
  • This headless CMS can trigger webhooks based on specific events, such as content updates or user actions.
  • This feature streamlines integration with external services and automates various workflows.
  • Use webhooks for sending notifications, syncing data with third-party applications, and more.

The above table provides a comprehensive overview of Strapi’s features, making it easier to understand. Strapi’s extensive feature set can help you build and manage content-rich applications effectively.

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Our developers are proficient at utilizing modern platforms and tools to build powerful web apps.

5 Major Advantages of Strapi for Development

Here are the advantages of Strapi for development.

  1. Flexibility and Customization for Your Needs

    • Strapi’s flexibility is one of its standout features, allowing you to adapt it to the unique requirements of your Strapi project. You’re not limited to predefined templates or structures.
    • Content structures, API endpoints, and authentication are customizable. This level of customization enables you to mold Strapi precisely to your project’s needs, no matter how complex they may be.
    • The flexibility extends to your content types, allowing you to create intricate data structures effortlessly.
  2. Open Source and Community-Driven Collaboration

    • Strapi is an open-source headless CMS, meaning it’s free to use and open for anyone to contribute to and improve.
    • Its vibrant and expanding community is a tremendous asset. You benefit from ongoing development, enhancements, and community-created plugins and extensions.
    • Access to a global network of Strapi users and developers ensures that you can easily find support, tutorials, and solutions to any challenges you may encounter during your Strapi project.
  3. Scalability to Support Growing Projects

    • Strapi handles projects of all sizes, from small websites to large enterprise-level applications. Its architecture is inherently scalable.
    • As your project grows and attracts more users, this headless CMS can effortlessly accommodate the increased demand for content and resources. This scalability means you won’t outgrow Strapi as your project expands.
  4. Security Measures and User Access Control

    • Security is a paramount concern, and Strapi takes it seriously. Strapi offers a comprehensive set of security features to safeguard your content and data.
    • Features like user verification and role-based access control (RBAC) allow you to define who can access and modify content within your system.
    • Strapi releases regular security updates and patches to address potential vulnerabilities, ensuring your application remains secure.
  5. Cost-Effectiveness for Budget-Friendly Projects

    • One of Strapi’s most significant cost advantages is its open-source nature, which eliminates the need for costly licensing fees. You can use Strapi freely without incurring expenses related to software licenses.
    • The cost-effectiveness extends beyond licensing fees. With Strapi, you can develop and maintain your content management system without proprietary solutions or external CMS services.
    • The savings achieved by using Strapi can be reinvested into other critical aspects of your project, enhancing its overall quality and performance.

These advantages collectively make Strapi an exceptional choice for developers and businesses. Now, let’s discuss the real-world use cases of Strapi.

4 Real-world Use Cases of Strapi

Here are the real-world use cases of Strapi.

  1. eCommerce Websites

    Strapi is a robust back-end solution for eCommerce platforms, offering powerful content management capabilities for product catalogs, inventory, and customer data.

      Key Features

    • Easily manage product descriptions, images, and specifications through custom content types.
    • Integrate Strapi seamlessly with popular eCommerce frameworks and payment gateways.
    • Leverage the headless nature of Strapi to provide content-rich product pages and blogs alongside your online store.

      When You Use Strapi, You Get the Following Benefits:

    • Complete control over product content and presentation.
    • Flexibility to adapt to changing product lines and marketing strategies.
    • Scalable architecture to handle high traffic and inventories.
  2. Mobile Apps

    Strapi’s API-centric approach makes it an ideal choice for developing mobile applications. It ensures that content can be efficiently shared between web and mobile platforms, providing a consistent user experience.

      Key Features

    • Create a unified API for new or existing apps, reducing development efforts.
    • Implement user verification and real-time updates to enhance mobile app functionality.
    • Utilize push notifications and interactive features to engage users.

      When You Use Strapi, You Get the Following Benefits:

    • Consistency in content across web and mobile platforms.
    • Reduced development time and costs with shared content management systems.
    • Seamless integration of mobile-specific features like push notifications.
  3. Blogs and News Sites

    Strapi simplifies content management for blogs and news websites, enabling content creators to focus on publishing engaging articles and stories.

      Key Features

    • Manage articles, blog posts, and news updates with ease.
    • Utilize drafting and scheduling features for efficient content management and publication.
    • Integrate SEO optimization and social media sharing to enhance online visibility.

      When You Use Strapi, You Get the Following Benefits:

    • Streamlines content creation and publication workflows.
    • Improved SEO rankings and social media sharing capabilities.
    • Collaboration among multiple authors and editors.
  4. IoT Applications

    Strapi can serve as a central data hub for IoT (Internet of Things) applications, collecting and managing sensor data, device statuses, and user preferences.

      Key Features

    • Store and retrieve sensor data, device status information, and user preferences through APIs.
    • Ensure real-time access to data for connected devices.
    • Securely manage and monitor IoT-related content.

      When You Use Strapi, You Get the Following Benefits:

    • Centralized data management for IoT applications.
    • Real-time data access for IoT devices.
    • Enhanced security and monitoring of IoT data.

By understanding these use cases, you can see how Strapi’s flexibility and customization options empower developers and content creators to meet the specific requirements of their projects.

Looking for a More Flexible Backend Solution?

Contact us. Our team of experts will guide you through the entire process of using Strapi’s flexibility to create backend solutions that support scalability and efficiency.

A Brief Comparison of Strapi and Traditional CMS

Here is the table containing the comparison of Strapi and traditional CMS.

Aspects Strapi (A Headless CMS) Traditional CMS
Content Presentation Decoupled Coupled
Customization Fully customizable Limited
Content Flexibility Flexible content types Pre-defined templates
API Access RESTful & GraphQL Plugin Often limited to REST
Front-end Freedom Unlimited possibilities Template-based
Learning Curve Moderate Moderate to High
Cost Open-source (free) Licensing fees
Scalability Highly scalable Scalable but limited

Till now, you have learned everything about Strapi. If you still have doubts, then check out the FAQ section.

FAQs About Strapi

  1. Which programming languages does Strapi use?

    Strapi primarily uses JavaScript, with Node.js for server-side development and JavaScript frameworks like React and Redux for front-end development.

    This headless CMS relies on JavaScript for its core development, encompassing server and front-end aspects. Node.js powers the server, and JavaScript frameworks such as React and Redux create the user interface.

  2. Which types of projects are not suitable for Strapi?

    Here are the types of projects that are not suitable for Strapi.

    • Simple static websites
    • Projects requiring deep integration with legacy systems
    • Highly transactional systems
    • Single-page applications with minimal data needs
    • Projects with limited development resources


In conclusion, Strapi is a versatile and modern headless CMS that empowers developers and content creators to manage digital content effectively. With its customizable content types, flexible API endpoints, user verification, and multiple features, Strapi is an excellent choice for various projects, from eCommerce sites and mobile apps to blogs and IoT applications.

The advantages of Strapi, including its flexibility, open-source nature, scalability, security, and cost-effectiveness, make it a strong contender in the CMS landscape. Whether you’re a developer looking for a robust back-end solution or a content creator seeking an easy-to-use platform, Strapi can meet your needs.

Jeel Patel

Written by

Jeel Patel

Jeel Patel is the Founder of Monocubed and is the main curator & writer of the content found on this site. With ideals of quality, commitment, and perseverance, he believes in creating lasting business relationships with the clients.